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"Together we can do more."

Our new COO Krzysztof Kisielewski is one of the people who has had a brilliant career at Codetain. It is enough to mention that his path from Front-End Developer to COO took him only a few years. Everything he does is filled with empathy and a smile from ear to ear. These are not popular qualities among executives in traditional companies, but at Codetain they work perfectly.
What were your beginnings in programming and your first days at Codetain like?
I was interested in programming from a young age. Then I had a few years off. I spent the first years of my career in sales and, in retrospect, I very much appreciate this period in my life. I was always a gamer and there were a lot of programmers around me. As it were, coding followed me around - it didn't let me forget about it. At some point, I met a developer who helped me choose the most valuable courses and take the right educational path. After about a year of intensive study, I ended up at an interview with ...Codetain. There was immediate chemistry between us, I felt that this was my place. The interview itself and the task I was given to do went great, They accepted me. I remember that one of the recruitment meetings ended with ... an hour of playing FIFA :).
What surprised you the most about Codetain?
To be honest, I expected a longer onboarding period. I remember in my first week on the job, our boss Daniel high-fived me and said... "you're in the project". On the one hand, I was excited, on the other I was a bit scared, although I don't think I let it show. It really mobilized me to work hard. What struck me at the beginning was the relaxed atmosphere and management. I have never worked in an organization where everyone's result orientation is not in conflict with a chummy, supportive atmosphere. It feels that together we can do more.
What was your path from developer to COO like?
Dynamic :) Within a few months of being hired, I was already an independent front-end who was given more and more responsible tasks. After a while I was entrusted with the first project team. Everything proceeded very naturally. Programmers, by nature slightly withdrawn, simply needed "their man" to represent their interests well in discussions with customers or management. The next step in Codetain's development was the opening of new headquarters, and thus the need to adjust the structures. Daniel, our CEO, wanted to focus more on conceptual work and I knew he was looking for someone he could trust and whom the team itself trusted. One day I presented him with a vision for managing the company, which was accepted. That's how I became COO.
What are your plans for this year in terms of managing the organisation?
I wouldn't want to be a manager who loses touch with the core of the developer's work. That is why, despite the responsible role I have been given, I am still coding. The plan for 2023 is to focus on growing the Codetain team, both qualitatively and quantitatively.  We would like to increase our headcount by 30% by the end of the fourth quarter of this year. We also created a sales department in January, as this would better manage the acquisition of new contractors and interesting projects. We would like to develop even more in the theme of e-mobility projects. 
Close your eyes. March 2028 - 5 years from today. Where will Codetain be then?
I think we will be a company of about 100-120 people so that the family character is not lost. Half of the developers will be involved in the software house and the other half will be developing our own product. At this point, I can't say too much, but we already have a vision for a product that will revolutionize energy management.
At the company, we appreciate your sense of humor, and we all know that you also like to eat healthy. What else are you interested in, what occupies your time most outside of Codetain?
I love going out with my wife to interesting restaurants and trying new flavors. In my free time, I make Lego with my son and teach him the basics of programming. I love strength sports. I have high hopes for our company gym, which we have named Gymtain - I would like to spend more time there. Besides that, I like to end the day by browsing internet memes and playing Path of Exile.

As a reliable software company we’re focused on delivering the best quality IT services. However, we’ve discovered that programming skills give us a very particular opportunity...

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