case study
4Swiss e-Scooter Mobile App
4Swiss e-Scooter Mobile App
4 Swiss, renowned for its electronics and white goods manufacturing expertise, combines state-of-the-art technology with the highest-quality workmanship. The appliances' components come from the best international suppliers, including Japan, Korea, the USA, Switzerland, and Italy. The client expanded its product portfolio some time ago to include several models of electric scooters. Codetain was asked to develop a mobile application that fully utilises the hardware.
consult - design - code - maintain
ReactNative / TypeScript / BLE

Objectives and challenges
The aim was to create a simple and relatively inexpensive application for Android and iOS users. Due to our experience in this field and considerable technological advantage, we decided to develop the application in the React Native framework. The challenge was also to create the application in a short timeframe to help the manufacturer during the hottest sales period for scooters—the summer holidays. We managed to complete this task on time. Since June, the app has been available to all customers who have purchased a scooter.
As a first step, the engineer responsible for Bluetooth and Embedded Systems was tasked with completing the documentation and consulting with the hardware manufacturer. Testing the equipment in our company car park was a lot of fun at this stage. We put ourselves in the role of the end customer and gave suggestions to the client about the scooter itself and the possible functions of the application.

Next, we agreed on the exact scope of the project to provide as much quality and functionality as possible in such a lightweight app. The user can see, among other things, the current driving speed, total driving time, instantaneous travel distance and total distance. He or she can also control the cruise control lighting or lock the device. If you want to see what the app can do, you can download it from the Apple or Play shop without owning a device. Then, simply go to the demo view.

In the next step, we created the Mockups. This stage went smoothly, and after that, we started cooperating on designs with a partner digital agency. The final result is clear and modern based on users' input. In addition to the white and red logo, the client decided to use shades of green and red in the designs, making the app look quite stylish. In functional terms, although the app does not have a dedicated backend, it has succeeded in creating a simple support contact system. The customer was very keen on this and is ultimately very satisfied with the functionality.

Given that 4Swiss did not have any mobile apps in its portfolio, Codetain also supported the client in setting up Google Play and the App Store and comprehensively publishing the app.

The 4Swiss e-Scooter app is the first for the 4Swiss brand, but certainly not the last. In the first few days after its launch in the Apple Store alone, more than 1000 people viewed it, and dozens installed it. Ultimately, the customer plans to open the app to more devices, followed by an app that will bring the 4Swiss device ecosystem together.