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How to create simple animation with GSAP

hero image for How to create simple animation with GSAP

Hello there! I’m glad to be here for the first time!

Today, I want to show you how gsap library works and what it is.

To say what gsap actually is I won’t use any definitions from documentation—I’ll describe it on my own in one sentence:

Gsap is a library that helps developers to animate various elements in their projects; from custom/dedicated components to images, texts or even entire containers.


You can get more info by clicking this link

Animating an svg file - where to begin

In this article, I’ll show you how to animate an svg file. To make it right, let’s use figma developer tool to group layers and vectors of our svg.

First of all, let’s take a file from Undraw and import it to Figma project. Next, create groups of vectors to make it clearer:

Feel free to work more with your file :)

After all changes, export your project to svg format including all id’s. Once it’s done we can start coding!

Ready to code now!

I’ll use a template project from ‘npx create-react-app’ and make quick changes.

  • delete css styles except .App
  • delete all tags in return function except the highest div

To start working with gsap we need to install a javascript package using: npm install --save gsap.

Now it’s time to import our svg file by typing:

import { ReactComponent as SceneSvg } from ‘yourPath/yourFile.svg';

and don’t forget about gsap!

import gsap from ‘gsap’;

To catch our svg I’ll use useRef hook and useEffect hook to make some animations. In useEffect hook, let’s find our id’s of the vectors.

useEffect(() => {
  const [svgElements] = wrapperRef.current.children;

  const sky = svgElements.getElementById('sky');
  const stones = svgElements.getElementById('stones');
  const ground = svgElements.getElementById('ground');
  const flowers = svgElements.getElementById('flowers');
  const reactLogo = svgElements.getElementById('reactlogo');
  const girl = svgElements.getElementById('girl');

Next, set them to be invisible by adding gsap.set() function and autoAplha: 0 property. Once it’s set, it’s good to have a timeline where animations will be crated and modulate.

gsap.set([sky, stones, ground, flowers, reactLogo, girl], { autoAlpha: 0 });
const tl = gsap.timeline({ defaults: { ease: 'power3.inOut' } });

You can read more about ease options here:

Now, by using our timeline we can animate our vectors of svg. I’ll use ‘fromTo’ function to set the beginning and ending values.

tl.fromTo(sky, { x: '+=350' }, { duration: 0.5, x: '-=350', autoAlpha: 1 })
  .fromTo(ground, { y: '+100', scale: 0 }, { duration: 0.5, y: '0', scale: 1, autoAlpha: 1 })
  .fromTo(stones, { scale: 0 }, { duration: 1, scale: 1, autoAlpha: 1 })
  .fromTo(flowers, { y: '+=50' }, { y: '-=50', duration: 1, scale: 1, autoAlpha: 1 })
  .fromTo(reactLogo, { scale: 0 }, { duration: 0.5, scale: 1, autoAlpha: 1 })
  .fromTo(girl, { y: '-=150' }, { duration: 1, y: '+=150', autoAlpha: 1 });

It’s nothing more left but just render our image!

return (
  <div ref={wrapperRef} className="App">
    <SceneSvg />

The final result

Pretty simple, right? In the following part of my gasp post, I’ll show you how to animate components during scrolling page :)

Of course you can find source code on my github repo!

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