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Navigation with an animated indicator

hero image for Navigation with an animated indicator

If you also pay attention to details and like UI improvements, this article is for you! This time, I’m happy to show you how to create a simple animated indicator in a navigation bar. However, such an indicator will configure its width and position automatically depending on our links.

You’ve probably noticed that I’m using styled-components in this project, but it doesn’t matter - feel free to use whatever styling engine you want!

First, let’s create our project by typing: ’npx create-react-app nav-indicator’ and installing styled-components package.

npm install styled-components

After that, we can get to the code.

Start with creating the components - div, nav, ul, li - by using styled-components:

const Container = styled.div`
  	height: 100vh;
 	display: flex;
 	justify-content: center;
 	align-items: center;
	background: #212121; 
	flex-flow: column;
 	color: white;

const Navigation = styled.nav`
  	background: #808080;
  	position: relative;

const StyledUl = styled.ul`
 	 list-style: none;
 	 padding: 0;
 	 text-align: center;
 	 font-weight: bold;

const Link =`
 	position: relative;
  	margin: 20px;
  	text-transform: uppercase;
  	letter-spacing: 1px;

  	:hover {
   	 cursor: pointer;
   	 opacity: 0.5;

If you’re not familiar with this kind of styling, you can read Artur's article on the styled-components basics. Also, you can find more in the official styled-components documentation.

Now, we need to render our components:

return (
      <Navigation ref={navElement}>
          <Link>Log out</Link>

And your result should look like this:

To place the indicator under an active link I’m going to use useState, useRef hooks, and getBoundingClientRect() function.

const [indicatorPosition, setIndicatorPosition] = useState();
const [indicatorWidth, setIndicatorWidth] = useState();
const navElement = useRef();

Next, we can write a function where an indicator will show up once you click on a link. Firstly, let’s use getBoundingClientRect() function to get the width and position relative to parent’s. After that, we need to calculate them.

const handleClick = (event) => {
  const linkLeft =;
  const navLeft = navElement.current.getBoundingClientRect().left;
  const linkWidth =;
  const singleLinkWidth = linkWidth;
  const singleLinkLeft = linkLeft - navLeft;


Now, we can add our Indicator component...

const Indicator = styled.div`
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 5px;
  width: ${({ width }) => `${width}px`};
  left: ${({ left }) => `${left}px`};
  height: 3px;
  background: white;
  transition: all .5s ease-in-out;

...and render it into the last link in return method:

<Indicator left={indicatorPosition} width={indicatorWidth} />

After that, nothing left than add our handleClick method to onClick property in the Link Component:

<Link onClick={handleClick}>HOME</Link>

And here we are with our final result!

You can also add active class or work more with the styles... Everything is up to you :)

I'm Hope to show you something more in next articles.

Of course you can see this project on my GitHub repo:

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